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UCI en hospital 2º nivel


Joep M DrooghTransferring the critically ill patient: are we there yet?. Crit Care 2015; 19(1):62

Recommendations for the Safe Transfer of Patients with Brain Injury. Published by The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, May 2006

Brunsveld-Reinders AH. A comprehensive method to develop a checklist to increase safety of intra-hospital transport of critically il patients. Crit Care. 2015 May 7;19:214.

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Decreto 52/2015 por el que se regula el trasporte sanitario

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Welsh guidelines for the transfer of the critically ill adult

Iwashyna, Theodore J. MD, PhD. The inclomplete infrastructure for interhospital patient trasnfer. Critical Care Medicine (2012);40(8):2470-2478.

Thomas C Blakeman. Inter- a-nd Intra-hospital Transport of the Critically Ill. Respiratory care (2013);58(6):1008-1023

Joep M. Droogh. Inter-hospital transport of critically ill patients; expect surprises. Critical Care 2012, 16:R26

Warren J. Guideline for the inter- and intrahospital transport of critically ill patients. Crit Care Medicine (2004);32(1):256-262

Uusaro A. Safe long-distance interhospital ground transfer of critically ill patients with acute severe unstable respiratory and circulatory failure. Intensive Care Med (2002);28(8):1122-1125

Guidelines for the transport of the critically ill adult (3rd Edition 2011)

Traslado de enfermos críticos. Protocolos de transporte secundario y primario. Servicio Andaluz de Salud 

Unidad de cuidados intensivos. Estándares y recomendaciones. Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social 2010


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